Giving Thanks By Planting Over 200 Trees

13 December 2022
Sustainable Graphics Solutions
This has been a breakthrough year for sustainability and the Graphics Solutions EMENA team!

As we’ve embarked on our journey in Graphics EMENA, we have been inspired by teams who have gone above and beyond to embrace and integrate sustainable practices into their daily work and help us achieve our values and goals. Some examples of the great work that we have achieved this year thanks to the dedication of multi-functional teams include launches of new PVC-free products, and the implementation of two new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) shuttle trucks running deliveries between our Graphics production plant and our distribution warehouse, helping us to reduce our transportation footprint.

In 2022 we also wanted to shine the spotlight on many amazing people and ideas - our Sustainability Stars. Every two months, we showcased extraordinary teams and shared their work and dedication to sustainability with our colleagues all over the world. To thank our Sustainability Stars again for the green initiatives they are ‘planting’ with us, we’ve been planting real, beautiful CO2-absorbing trees! In fact, 210 of them, with the help of our brilliant friends at Treedom.

Treedom directly finances agroforestry projects. The philosophy is to realize sustainable ecosystems and allow thousands of farmers to support the initial costs of planting new trees, ensuring food autonomy and income opportunities over time. Besides the ecological and social benefits, you can follow the story of the project online. You can even see a photo of the tree and the exact location of the tree.